Friday, November 6, 2009

Spam truth

Raise your hand if you love spam e-mail. Put your hand down, don't be an ass. Well, I get about 20 spam e-mails a day. My filter seems to catch it all but every once and then I like to take a look. I have to say, these spammers do a pretty good job at creating subjects and content. Some, however, are the most nebulous e-mails ever. In honor of these delightful spammers I have decided to add pictures to their glorious words. The next few pictures are my artist interpretation of the subjects of actual spam e-mails in my spam folder.

now ready to give all info
natural powers will rejuvenate your health and looks, no cost trial

from: bryan meeks
what do you think
can we chat on messenger...

Thanks for reading. Peace.


gretroid said...

HAHA this is brilliant. reminds of this website i discovered long ago, that provided me hours of entertainment while i worked in the ferg ticket office one summer.

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