Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I’m very much a culprit of writing how I speak and think. From brain to fingers. It’s probably the most honest way of writing. I do tell one lie though. A hefty lie. We all do it. I do it. You do it. Dogs do it. I would say that one out of six times I write “haha” I’m not actually laughing. Please don’t be offended if I talk to you via GChat or e-mail. It’s not that I don’t think you’re funny or that your stories about your workday aren’t funny; it’s just that I’m not gonna laugh out loud. I know I sound like a douche but c’mon, we all do it. I know MY jokes aren’t that funny and you’ll probably comment on this post with “haha.”

This is my work face.

If I give you a “haha” I’m probably making this face.

There are variations on laughter from person to person. I’m consistent with my double ha. No more, no less. If it’s a little funnier than normal, you’ll get a third ha, at which point you can smile contently. If it’s a genuine hearty laugh I’ll give you a “ash;dgalbiaheowghag” or as my friend calls it, “sassgalash.” Some people give you “lol,” which is always nice, or a hehe, which sounds cute. I like my haha, though. It’s concise and to the point. “Hey, what you typed is humorous to me.”

Along the same vein, there are a lot of overtypers. These people go above and beyond what they were trying to say.

Me: hey man
Chuck: hey dood
Me: how was the concert?
Chuck: !!!
Me: what does that even mean?
Chuck: it was great!!!!!!!!! Why didn’t you come!?!?
Me: I was at home thinking of a way to kill you
Chuck: ….
Me: haha :P

Nothing grinds my gears in typing more than poor spelling or typing like a 14-year-old. WhY aRe YoU tYpInG lEiK tHiS???!!!

Also, the word definitely will never have an A in it. Never. The last time I misspelled that word I was:

learning English

wearing Starter jackets

learning to use chopsticks

Here, this will help:

Thanks for reading. peace.


gretroid said...

you're not even going to credit me on sassgalash?!?!

haha >:(

Liz said...

no mention of "lolb"? psh.

Jess Willis said...

i *almost* jess-laughed. ya know...lips closed...eyes closing. etc. but then i realized i was in a meeting at work. so i stopped myself. :)

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